Straßenbahnen und Görlitz – eine untrennbare Verbindung. Weit mehr als ein Beförderungsmittel, prägen Sie das Stadtbild und sind bei Einheimischen wie Touristen gleichermaßen beliebt.
Tramways and Görlitz - an unbreakable bond Trams are far more than just a means of transport. They shape the townscape and are popular with locals and tourists alike.
Download "Faszination Görlitzer Straßenbahnen"
Horsecar No. 9
Manufacturing year: 1882
Manufacturer: Herbrand company, Ehrenfeld/Cöln
Historic Tramcar Nr. 29
Manufacturing year: 1897
Manufacturer: Steinfurt company, Königsberg
Historic Tramcar Nr. 23
Manufacturing year: 1928
Manufacturer: WUMAG, Görlitz
Currently, our active fleet consists of 14 Tatra KT 4 D trams, which, depending on requirements, operate in a single or double-ended setup.
Through close cooperation with our partners Leipzig and Zwickau, we will purchase eight modern and innovative low-floor trams in the coming years. Those are not only state of the art, but also provide space for future technical innovations and the integration of alternative, eco-friendly energies.
You can find more information about our planned new trams here.
There are currently 11 buses in use for our passengers, including 6 rigid and 5 articulated buses, 4 of which have hybrid drive. They are manufactured by Mercedes-Benz and MAN.